In pallet racking systems, products that are preferably placed in cardboard boxes are first arranged and secured on plastic or wooden pallets, and then these pallets are loaded onto the racks. This is a racking method preferred for storing heavy materials. Pallet racking systems are also used in cases where stacking up to the ceiling is required. To utilize space efficiently, heavy products are stacked using this racking technique. Pallet racking systems, which are highly beneficial and efficient, are one of the most frequently used storage models.
Pallet racking systems are generally used in warehouses and depots. In terms of load-carrying capacity, pallet racking systems are rack models that can carry the heaviest loads. The most appropriate pallet racking system is selected based on the height and width of the warehouse. The storage tool you will use varies depending on the model of the racking systems, the dimensions of the pallets to be placed on the racks, and their weights.
The main purpose of pallet racking systems is to store products in bulk and to utilize the warehouse’s space with maximum efficiency by storing the maximum amount of products. However, the increasing circulation of goods today also affects the entry and exit times of materials in warehouses. As Spazio smart warehouse solutions, we offer pallet racking system solutions that will speed up, facilitate, and make your process more efficient by studying your business workflow and material circulation.
Pallet Racking Models
Pallet warehouse racking systems are systems that can be preferred to create high storage spaces. When examining pallet racking system models, factors such as warehouse height, the storage tool to be used, the characteristics of the materials to be stored, and the entry and exit times of the pallets into the warehouse should be considered.
In cases where only forklifts are used, wide-aisle racking systems such as back-to-back warehouse racking systems, drive-in racking systems, or double-deep racking systems are preferred. These systems provide forklifts with ample maneuvering space. The height of the racks is determined by the lifting capability of the forklift being used.
If your goal is to increase the efficiency of your warehouse by reducing aisle space, you can opt for narrow aisle or pallet flow racking systems. Due to the static structure of these systems, they also allow you to utilize the maximum height of your warehouse.